AG-BU006Product Name:Hospital Ophthalmology A/B ScannerA/B Scan with normal, vitreous body enhancement, retina observation mode, mainly used for diagnosis of intraocular disease...
A/B Scan with normal, vitreous body enhancement, retina observation mode, mainly used for diagnosis of intraocular diseases, display the location, shape range of the focus of infection and the relationship with the surrounding tissue. Can be diagnosed vitreous opacity, retinal detachment, eye base tumors etc. eye diseases. A scan is used to measure anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, axial length, calculate diopter of implant IOL as well.
AG-BU006 is digital ultrasonic system for ophthalmology. With advanced intelligent digital software the parameters of freezed and stored images could be adjusted voluntarily.
Scan A measures data for every part of the eyeball as anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, axial length and so on which are needed in ophthalmic surgeries, and calculates 101. by axial length.
Scan B displays profile images of the eyeball clearly and directly. Scanning anatomical forms and nidi inside the eyeball, doctors can diagnose accurately for examination of cataract, vitreous body disease, ocular trauma, detachment of retina or choroid, macula disease, and intraocular tumor, etc.
B scan:Frequency: 10MHz/20MHz (optional) ,Magnetic driven, noiseless